维克多H. Cuartas

Dr. 维克多Cuartas, 跨文化研究教授,Elmer V. 汤普森教会植堂主席
Dr. 维克多Cuartas
跨文化研究教授,Elmer V. 汤普森教会植堂主席
跨文化研究教授,Elmer V. 汤普森教会植堂主席

维克多H. Cuartas joined the CIU faculty in 2016 and is the Elmer V. 汤普森教会植堂主席. Previously, he taught global missions and church ministry at Regent University (2006-2016). He also served several years in missions and church planting in his home country of Colombia before continuing his ministry in the United States. Cuartas is actively involved with Crossover Global, a church planting organization that desires to see God glorified by providing gospel access through the planting of multiplying churches among unreached people groups. 

Since 1993, Cuartas has been married to Isabel, who is also from Colombia. God blessed them with an amazing daughter Eliannah. 她喜欢旅游、跳舞、唱歌和艺术. Cuartas likes to play soccer, jog, camp, travel, drink coffee, and spend time with family.


  • PhD, Intercultural Studies, Columbia International University (Columbia, SC)
  • DMin, Leadership and Renewal Studies, Regent University (Virginia Beach, VA)
  • MDiv, Missiology, Regent University (Virginia Beach, VA)
  • BS, Agriculture Engineering, Universidades del Valle and Nacional (Colombia, South America)
  • Diploma, Christ for the Nations Institute (Dallas, TX)


  • 再见,维克多·雨果. Hispanic Muslims in the United States: Agency, Identity, and Religious Commitment. Wipf & 股票出版商,2020年.
  • 夸塔斯,维克多·H. Capacitando Líderes Hispanos: Un Modelo En Línea. Eugene, OR: Resource 出版物, an Imprint of Wipf & 股票出版社,2010年.
  • 夸塔斯,维克多·H. 授权西班牙裔领导人:一个在线模式. 沃斯堡:得克萨斯州,教会启动网络,2009年. 
  • 哥伦比亚的五旬节派.” In “Global Renewal Christianity,” 卷 2 Latin America. Synan, Vinson, Amos Yong and Miguel Alvarez, editors. 魅力之家,2016年.
  • “在美国的拉美裔和伊斯兰教.” In “The Hispanic Evangelical Church in the United States,” edited by Samuel Pagan, NHCLC, 2016. 
  • “Siguiendo el Ejemplo de Jesús; Capacitando Líderes en Misiones Mundiales.西班牙语版《澳门新葡京娱乐》. 2012年10月.
  • “El reino de dios y la diversidad étnica en las misiones mundiales.西班牙语版《澳门新葡京娱乐》. 2011年7月.
  • “Liderando Iglesias Misionales Que Expanden el Reino de Dios.《澳门新葡京娱乐》,西班牙文,2011年7月.
  • “Bibliografía Anotada: Publicaciones Relacionadas con los Hispanos en USA.《澳门新葡京娱乐》,西班牙文,2009年10月. 
  • “Implicaciones Éticas y los Desafíos de los Negocios Como Misión en los Países de Acceso Creativo.”西班牙文《澳门新葡京娱乐》,2009年7月. 
  • 夸塔斯,维克多·H. 《澳门新葡京网站》.《澳门新葡京网站》第49期,no.4(2013年10月),pp.448-452.
  • "Following Jesus' Example: Empowering leaders in Global Missions." The Pneuma Review: The Journal of Ministry Resources and Theology for Pentecostal and Charismatic Ministries and Leaders. 卷. 第16号(2013年冬季),6-14页. 
  • “Ethical Implications and Challenges of Business as Mission in Creative Access Countries.《澳门新葡京网站》第47卷,第1期.3 (2011年7月), 296-302.
  • “How to Lead a Missional Church That Expands God’s Kingdom.” The Pneuma Review: The Journal of Ministry Resources and Theology for Pentecostal and Charismatic Ministries and Leaders. 卷. 14,第1期(2011年冬季),32-45.
  • “Annotated Bibliography: 出版物 Related to the Hispanics in the United States.” Global Missiology, 卷 4, Number 7, July 2010.
  • “Demands of the Kingdom of God in Relation to Ethnic Diversity.《澳门新葡京网站》,2010年5月.


  • 西班牙福音派学者协会 
  • Cambridge Who’s Who among Executives and Professionals in Teaching and 教育,   2007 - 2008年版.
  • Who’s Who among Students in American Universities & 摄政大学学院,2006年5月.
  • International Student Award, Regent University, School of Divinity, May 2006.
  • The Virginian Pilot Award for Hispanic Community Service, March 2006.
  • Hispanic Leadership Award, Regent University, School of Leadership Studies, 2005.
  • Christian Ministry Award, Regent University, School of Divinity, 2002.
  • International Students Office, Regent University, Certificate of Recognition, 2002.
  • Who’s Who of Professional Management, Certificate of Accomplishment, 2001-2002 edition.